
Kitties for Kitties was set up to help the alien citizens of the world to find other like-beings. We exist to connect and nurture these bonds and to show all forms of beings that others like them exist. 

We endeavor to do this by hosting collaborative projects, encouraging various forms of interspecies art work, and providing an accessible guide which kitties can consult for all forms of advice for transiting to this terrestrial plane.

We realize that adapting to this earthly plane is an entire life's work. We hope that with the help of our foundation, kitties will not only realize they are not alone, but also thrive and contribute their unique perspectives to the diversity of our planet. 

What are 'Kitties'?

I use 'kitties' to refer to any soul of which is not fundamentally human in essence. 

Souls often take the shape of animals, plants, or even supernatural and mythological creatures. These categories are not mutually exclusive as our universe is inter-dimensional in nature and there is no end to the varieties of life forms that can exist.

In essence, souls that incarnate on this earth take a variety of forms and 'human' is but one category although it is the dominant and ubiquitous category that most of us are familiar with.