Cord cutting: a practical guide

Sometimes, we have toxic bonds that link us to others and we find ourselves obsessing, unable to detach ourselves emotionally from situations despite the interference of our logical mind. Cord cutting is useful: it's an efficient, immediately effective tool for cutting co-dependence, toxic bonds and vampiric relations. It's a way of distancing yourself from people psychically even if you are not in the position where you are able to cut off all contact with them.

The release that comes with cord-cutting is immediate. You should feel a sense of space and distance right away. Do take note that if you continue the same patterns, the bonds will regrow like weeds, even if it will not be exactly the same as it was before. Cutting cords is a new beginning; it is a blank slate, but the responsibility to create new healthy patterns is also in your hands. Remember that it is also an undoable process. Once you cut a cord, you cannot affix it back without going back to square one, so it shouldn't be done frivolously.

Try this: Put your hands over the heart, do you feel extensions like strings attaching you to others close to you? Think about your close friend, your partner, or a relative. You should immediately be able to isolate each cord linking you to the person. You will also feel that some cords are stronger than others, like thick arteries pulsing and extending from you.

Some types of cords

Soul bonds: Soul cords are more like a retrieved memory. They can be good or bad, because relationships are not in themselves morally tinged. What distinguishes this kind of bond is the sense of familiarity. When you have a soul bond, it is like the universe is speaking to you from the mouth of the other. You may have not talked for three years and feel the same connection as you did when you first met that person, like you have had an accumulation of lifetimes together. Sometimes, people are energetically incompatible but this does not mean the cord between you has been cut. It still exists: you are just not destined to meet at that specific point in your life, as your lifelines are not crossing in a desirable pattern. Soul bonds don't disappear, so don't be sad if you feel a distance from a friend to whom you were once close; it may mean that person has to embark upon their own path before you are compatible again.

Toxic /vampiric bonds: These are bonds enforced upon you. Often, the person who is attached to the other side of such bonds sucks your energy. You feel a sense of strain when you touch this bond, like it is threatening to pull your entire being into its source. Narcissism, guilt-creating, gas-lighting: These are all behaviours that draw the other into themselves so as to devour you. It is hard to get rid of such relationships because such people are dependent upon others to create their own identity by perpetuating the toxic bond. Just willing yourself away or leaving the situation physically is not sufficient. You need to cut the emotional bond from your heart centre, which leads to:

How to cut bonds: 2 steps

1) Feel the cord: Sit down in a comfortable position and feel the cord extending you from you to the other person. Isolate the bond you want to cut. Hold it in your left hand (if you are right-handed) and study how it feels to you. You should feel a subtle tugging sensation, as if something is being pulled from you. That is the normal energy current that holds the bonds between two people. Take note of what feeling arises.

2) The ritual dagger and evocation

This is up to you, really. I use a Taoist exorcism wooden dagger traditionally used to exorcise demons, because bonds of all sorts are essentially the same substance. You can also use a wooden ruler, or any object you desire. Using an object is useful in making the ritual more concrete. You can also use your hand: just imagine your hand as a blade slicing off the cord.

Before cutting the cord, close your eyes, and say an evocation or prayer before you cut the cord. For example, "I hope that what I cut is all for the best and will lead to the greatest good" works quite well.

And there, you're done! Seal the space by taking a few full breaths in and out and rejoice in the newfound space you have created!